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Today Hindi Diwas

Today 14 Saptember 2012 is Celebrate Hindi Diwas in All india.

About Hindi Diwas-Today Celebration Hindi Diwas

Hindi is Our Nation Language.Our Country is Independence in 15 August1947 and in 1949 Sartyfy
 to hindi Language is Our Natioon Language.

Hindi is a language of harmony and understanding
said Ban Ki Moon during the 8th World Hindi Conference on Hindi at
United Nation headquarter in New York and surprised many by
inaugurating the ceremony with Namaste! Kya Hal Chal hai?
September 14 is celebrated as Hindi Day and was
adopted as the official language of Constituent assembly in 1949 on
this day. The Constitution of India adopted Hindi in Devanagri Script as the official language of the union under Article (343) in 1950.
It was envisioned that Hindi would become the sole
working language of the central government by 1965, and state
government will function in their own choice. But it did not happen and
English is also used along with Hindi.
This decision of using Hindi met a widespread anti
Hindi agitation by the non native speaker of Hindi. As a result the
Official Language Act of 1963 was passed and English continued to be
use as official language for indefinite period.
Hindi has a history behind; it belongs to
Indo–Aryan branch of indo European language family. The word ‘Hindi’
itself is a gift of Persian, Mughals added to its flavour, Amir Khusro
was first to write Hindi Poem.
Though it evolved from Sanskrit but many of its words originated from Arabic or Persian language.
This is also called as a ‘link language’, as it has
united the vast Indian Diaspora and also minimized the gap between
South and North India.
This language has travelled a long distance to make
its presence felt in the World. It is spoken in many parts of the world
and its one of the main language in Mauritius, Surinam, Trinidad and
many others including US, South Africa, New Zealand etc.
Gandhi used this language to unite the whole India and used this language as ‘language of unity’. The word Swadeshi revolutionise the freedom struggle, and its entry into the Oxford dictionary marks its importance in world history.
Statistics are available which tells that Hindi is the second most spoken language of the world.
This entry in the world scenario was not a smooth ride. It faced lots of criticism and politics was played in its name.
Now its importance are realised, George Bush
proposed a budget of $ 114 million to make Hindi a part of curriculum,
to be taught from Kindergarten to graduate level. India too mooted a
strategy to make Hindi as one of the official language of United Nation.
Hundreds of word has made an entry into the
prestigious Oxford dictionary and others. Pundit, Guru, Nirvana, Adda,
Roti are very much accepted in the whole world.
The wave of change can be seen everywhere, the same
South India which was always divided on accepting Hindi as a national
language. Deve Gawda in 1997 talked of promoting Hindi, then
Karunanidhi recited a Hindi verse during a political campaign, and
Jayalalitha against the anti-Hindi lobby campaigned in Hindi.

Today Hindi Diwas Sms

Lets Write in Hindi
Lets Learn Our National Language,
Happy Hindi Diwas

राष्ट्र की पहचान है जो
भाषाओं में महान है जो
जो सरल सहज समझी जाए
उस हिन्दी को सम्मान दो
Hindi Diwas Wishes to all …

हिंदी बोलने में शर्म नहीं
गर्व होना चाहिए
Speak Your National Language Hindi …

Today Hindi Diwas Greetings

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Today Hindi Diwas Screps

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