Guru Amar Das ji Jayanti-Festival of India-Celebrations in Sikhism-Image

Guru Amar Das ji Jayanti ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ********************************* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Celebrations in Sikhism ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ********************************* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Guru Amar Das and Khivi, Angad Dev’s widow, worked together to carry on the tradition of langar, free meals served from the guru’s communal kitchen.  He decreed that all who came to see him should be first fed and implemented the … Read more

Guru Amar Das ji jayanti-Festival of India-About Amar Das Ji-Image

Guru Amar Das ji jayanti ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ****************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ About Guru Amar Das Ji ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sri Guru Amar Das, though born in 1479, became the Guru in 1552 when he was in his seventies. Guru Amardas ji were born as Bhalla Khatri at village Basarke about 13 kms south-west of Amritsar. His father was … Read more