Eid-ul-Fitr Festival Date 2013 August 20.This Day is Muslims Holy Day and they Celebrate huge Celebration.
About Eid-ul-Fitr
Eid-ul-Fitr, popularly known as the “Festival of Breaking of the Fast”, occurs as soon as the new moon is sighted at the end of the month of fasting, namely Ramadan. This festival celebrates the end of Ramzan, the Muslim month of fasting. It is an occasion of feasting and rejoicing.
Fitr is derived from the word ‘fatar’ meaning breaking. Fitr has another meaningderived from another word fitrah meaning ‘alms’.Special foods and delicacies are prepared for the day and are distributed among neighbors and friends.
The devotees gather in the mosques to pray, friends and relatives meet and exchange greetings. Prayers, family get-togethers and feasts are the major highlights of the festival
Unlike most festivals, Ramadan doesn’t fall on any particular day. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic year. It is usually a time for increased religious devotion and self-examination.
Most of the Muslim festivals including the start and end of Ramzan, the festival of Eid are all based on actual sighting of the crescent of the new moon.
This crescent if is less than 12 hrs old cannot be seen with naked eyes, only when 20-30 hours old can it is visible with naked eyes.
That’s the reason why many of the Muslim communities appoint a “Hilal”, which is a Crescent sighting community especially for this purpose and to calculate the dates of Islamic calendar.

Distance at that moment of moon from Earth.
The height of the observer above sea level.
Clarity of atmosphere.
Wind directions.
The eye-sight quality of the observer.
The Eid prayer was prescribed in the first year after “Hijra”.It is believed thatProphet performed the prayer on every Eid and also prescribed it for every Muslim that is the prayer is ‘wajib’ (compulsory).
The Eid prayer always begins when the Sun is three meters from the Horizan until it reaches its merIdian. There is a rule that no prayer should precede or succeed the“Eid Prayer”.
The Eid prayer consists of two ra’kat, with six or thirteen additional Takbirs during which it is Sunnah to pronounce the takbir seven times, after the opening takbir and before the Quranic recital in the first rak’ah.
During the second rak’ah, one makes takbir five times after the takbir which is customarily made for standing after the prostation.
One is to raise one’s hands during each pronouncement of the takbir.
The khutbah after salatul ‘Eid is a sunnah and so is listening to it.
He person reciting the Khutba is the lead of the prayer and is called the khateeb.anyone can recite the Khutba provIded that he is male along with physical and mental purity.
During the Khutbah, the Imam must remind the community about its responsibilities and obligations towards Allah, fellow Muslims and the fellow human beings.
The Muslim community must also be directed to the state of the community and the Ummah at large and the feelings of sacrifice and Jihaad should be aroused in the community.
*””* . *””*.”* *Dil ki* *”*Gehrayon* “*…se… *” “*….*”
Ka intzar karein
Or insan bn k roze rakhain.Shukria
Eid is the combination of 3 meaningful words
E = Embrace with open heart
I = Inspire with impressive attitude
D = Distribute pleasure to all
“* Dil ki *”
* Gehrayon *
“* …se… *”
Deep jaltay jagmagatay rahay,
Hum apko aap hamain yaad aatay rahay,
Jub tuk zindagi hai, yeh dua hai hamari,
Aap eid k chand ki tarah jagmagatay raho.
I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid.
May Allah accept your good deeds
Forgive your transgressions and
Ease the suffering of all peoples around globe.
Eid Mubarik
Eid-ul-Fitr Pictures