Guru Purnima-Type of Guru

Guru Purnima will celebration june 4 2012 the sacred day of Guru Purnima. Indians have held the view that one should try to sublimate one’s life by seeking a Guru and acting according to his teachings. There are eight types of Gurus: Bodha GuruVeda GuruNishiddha GuruKaamya GuruVaachaka GuruSoochaka GuruKaarana GuruVihita Guru

Minimg of Guru purnima Mantra 2013

Gukaro GunateethahaRukaro Rupavarjithaha  (Mining:–A Guru is necessary to make you understand the formless and attributeless Divinity. Since it is difficult to get such Gurus, consider God as your Guru.) Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Guru Devo Maheswara;Gurur Sakshat Para Brahma Thasmai Sri Gurave Namaha (Mining:–Guru is Brahma, Guru is Vishnu, Guru is Maheswara. Consider Guru as … Read more