Excellence of Ali

There are so many virtues and services of Ali  that it is difficult to mention them all in this short book.  On many occasions the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) had prayed for him.  When he sent Ali to Yemen in Ramadan 10 A.H. he blessed Ali  with the following prayer: “0 Allah put … Read more

Hadrat Ali as the fourth Khalifah

The insurgents’ shameful act of assassination of the Khalifah could never have been imagined by Hadrat Ali or any other eminent Companion at Medina.  It came as a total surprise to Hadrat Ali  whose two sons, Hasan and Husain  were guarding the gate of Uthman’s residence.  The insurgents after climbing the back wall of the … Read more

Ali seeks peace

Hadrat Ali assured all the people accompanying him that he would try his best to avoid blood-shed and to set the things right peacefully.  On reaching Dhi Oar, a place near Basrah, Hadrat Ali, with his characteristic aversion to blood-shed sent his cousin ‘Abdullah bin Abbas and Qa’qa bin Amr to negotiate peacefully with Hadrat … Read more

Assassination of Hadrat Ali

After the battle of Nahrwan the “Khwarij” had gone underground. As a matter of fact they were as much against .Hadrat Ali (R.A.)as they were against Hadrat Mu’awiyah (R.A.).  They were still working against the Khilafat and they were greatly disgusted with the civil war that seemed endless.To end this state of affairs, they worked … Read more

Hajarat Ali’s Birthday

Festivals are essential threads woven in the fabric of Indian society.  These are special occasions for social get-together with family, friends and neighbors to forge new bonds and strengthen the existing ones.  And they come ever so often. There are probably more festivals and occasions for celebrations than there are days in a year. This … Read more