Vrudh Sahay Yojana All Details

Vrudh Sahay Yojana All Details

in na he ‘What am I supposed to do then … this damn cough just doesn’t let up! Exactly the same turn of phrase that Nani would have used. He paused, threw me a look and said, ‘When this bottle gets over, get me a new one. I was a little taken aback. I had never heard him coughing.

But this was nothing compared to the shock he gave me a few days later, I told him, ‘Nana, let’s go to a salon. You need a haircut. I insisted, ‘If you don’t want to go, then I will call a barber home. ‘He didn’t even bother to look at me this time. er He began to shake his head, ‘No,

no, he will ng kill me. He does not like my hair cut short … he will never approve! st His intonation was nasal, exactly like Nani’s. It seemed as if it was Nani who was speaking. I moved back, a little worried. I had a friend, Dr K. D. Kamble, a ut psychiatrist. I called him over. is He talked to Nana at length – for hours.

Most of the time, Nana kept quiet. He did not answer most of Dr Kamble’s queries. But when he did, he spoke like Nana normally did et and in his own voice. Something else became evident too: to one of the numerous questions that Dr Kamble asked him, he said, “This only she can answer. I will ask her when she comes Dr.” Ed Dr Kamble shot back,

“Where has she gone? ‘The ends of his lips curled up a little in a smile,’ Oh … she doesn’t really ever tell me st her

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whereabouts. ‘When Nana left, Dr Kamble said,’ He doesn’t h perceive your Nani as dead He has begun to live a double life. In fact there’s more of her and less of him. He has begun to think of himself as Nani. Whatever happens, it happens to her. She is the one who needs to be fed. She is the one who feels thirsty. She is the one who feels the pain. And it is she who takes 39 The Adjustment e W 25 nne S e


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