Easter2012-Festival of Asia-Coelbration of Today-Greetings-image

Easter2012 Today 8 th April Celebration   

Christian celebration of Easter is linked to the Jewish celebration of the Passover and Exodus from Egypt recorded in the Old Testament through the Last Supper and crucifixion that preceded the resurrection. 

Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread were observed by the ancient Israelites early in each New Year. 

 “Equinox” means “equal night;” on that date of the year, the night and day are approximately equal. The name “Passover” was derived from the actions of the angel of death as described in the book of Exodus. 
The angel “passed over” the homes of the Jews which were marked with the blood obtained from a ritual animal sacrifice. The same angel exterminated the first born(s) of every family whose doorway was not so marked.

Easter is a day of celebration because it represents the fulfillment of our faith as Christians.

 Christ rose from the dead, our faith is in vain (1 Corinthians 15:17). Through his death, Christ saved mankind from bondage to sin, and He destroyed the hold that death has on all of us; but it is His Resurrection that gives us the promise of new life, both in this world and the next.
That new life began on Easter Sunday. In the Our Father, we pray that “Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in Heaven.” And Christ told His disciples that some of them would not die until they saw the Kingdom of God “coming in power” (Mark 9:1). 
The early Christian Fathers saw Easter as the fulfillment of that promise. With the resurrection of Christ, God’s Kingdom is established on earth, in the form of the Church.

On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ. It is typically the well-attended Sunday service of the year for Christian churches. 

Christians believe, according to Scripture, that Jesus came back to life, or was raised from the dead, three days after his death on the cross. 
The biblical account of Jesus’ death on the cross, or crucifixion, his burial and his resurrection, or rising from the dead, can be found in the following passages of Scripture: Matthew 27:27-28:8; Mark 15:16-16:19; Luke 23:26-24:35; and John 19:16-20:30.

That is why people who are converting to Catholicism traditionally are baptized at the Easter Vigil service, which takes place on Holy Saturday (the day before Easter), starting sometime after sunset.

 They have usually undergone a long process of study and preparation known as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). 
Their baptism parallels Christ’s own Death and Resurrection, as they die to sin and rise to new life in the Kingdom of God.

Wish one and all a very Happy and Holy Easter. Let the Risen Lord bless all of us.  


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